Sunday, April 21, 2013

Richard Prince and Appropriation

I don't really have a problem with appropriation. I believe in the concept of Richard Prince's work and the fact that he's repurposing an image to say something new about humanity and our society. He's photographing photos taken by artists and using them so say something new. In the postmodern era photography has changed. It is a tool to say something new. It is not necessarily about the beauty of the photograph and the craft of the artist but the message this artist is conveying. It's not like he's rephotographing these photographs to say they're his and claim them as his own. I completely understand how the original artist might become upset. I think if I was Jim Krantz and some "woman active in the art world" and said "Richard Prince has a photo just like that!" about one of my original photos... yeah, I'd be a little mad too. I think that Richard Prince should find a way to credit his sources so there isn't this type of confusion.

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