Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Varvara Stepanova

     I found it interesting that Varvara had written this article documenting her husbands innovative work in photomontage. Her husband, Alexander Rodchenko was the first photomontagist to ever live, but what I found very impressive was Rodchenko started working with actual photographs instead of the typical conglomerate photomontage being used at this time. Varvara talks about the importance of an actual photo being used and how there was some value to that. I can really understand this because there is a huge difference when you can hold and feel and actual image. It is easy to see why his work was appreciated at this time and it must have taken a lot of skill and patience to construct a montage of images with only a camera. Today, with such advancements in digital technology it is easy to put together a photomontage work of art in photoshop and print it out, but how many people actually take individual photos? There is a real importance and value to that and that is the main thing that caught my attention in this article.

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